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3 With Love 2020  is an event held every year especially for students and alumni of SMAN 3 Bandung.  This event was held so that all students were closer to one another, and for alumni to be able to relive the time when they were in Senior High School.  In this event students and alumni will play games, dance together, share experiences, do barbeque, and watch several performances from band 3 and kafe 3, as well as from guest stars.

Detail Event
Place : Lapangan Pussenif TNI AD
Date : November 4th, 2020
Time : 17.00 - 24.00

• The event committee consists of:
1. Chief executive
2. Deputy chief executive
3. Secretary
4. Community relations and licensing.
5. Logistics
6. Documentation
7. Decoration
• Decor : the arrangement of the stage, the entrance of the giant screen, the backdrop
• Consumption for guest stars ,the event committee,anf the crew
• Documentation
• Price of admission : 110.000
• Other supporting equipment:
1. stage
2. sound system
3. guest appearance equipment
4. blocking image
5. table chairs
6. audience fence
7. Food stand
8. Ticket sales counter
•Guest star :
1. Raisa
3. Rizky Febian
4. Nadien
5. Maudy Ayunda
6. Aldi Maldini
•For the budget it cost around Rp.400.000.000,00
1. Speech from Headmaster of SMAN 3 BANDUNG
2. Sharing session with Alumni SMAN 3 BANDUNG
3. Games
4. Live music from band 3 and kafe 3
5. Dance together
6. Performance from KPA SMAN 3 BANDUNG
7. Performance from Theater SMAN 3 BANDUNG (TST)
8. Live performance from Guest star:
-Rizky Febian
-Maudy Ayunda
-Aldi Maldini

•Sponsored by :
Ardan radio
Fruit tea


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English Dialogue

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