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KINGDOM : Animalia

PHYLUM : Chordata

CLASS : Aves

ORDO : Galliformes

FAMILY : Phasianidae

GENUS : Pavo, Afropavo

TYPE : Birds

DIET : Omnivore

     This peacock is the beautiful rare bird. Peacocks are large,colorful pheasants known for their iridescent tails(typically blue and green). The main characteristic of a peacock is its feathered tails which delight in very beautiful colors. However, only male peacocks have such great tails. With its blue head and neck, a peacock looks more attractive. Moreover, coupled with sparkling green feathers on the tail, deserves to look so beautiful. These beautiful feathers called "peacock spots" have rounded edges with spots. He will show a very beautiful charm to expand or bloom like a fan. However, we cannot always witness this breathtaking view. We have to wait for the peacock mating season. Because, the male peacock only develops its tail like a fan and attracts its beauty to attract the attention of a female peacock.Peacock tail feathers males usually fall out after the mating season ends. During this time, the number of tail feathers that fall could reach 100-150 pieces. Because of its beauty, the tail feathers have long been used to decorate Singo Harong (a tiger mask crowned with peacock feathers) which is the main tool in the art of Reog Ponorogo.

       Peacocks reproduce by oviparous (laying) like a type of bird in the open which is called by researchers as 'lek'. Female peacocks usually hatch three to six eggs. Peacocks, including omnivores, feed on grass, seeds, and insects.A female peacock parent will usually care for 2 to 5 cubs. At the age of 2 weeks, the peacock children were able to jump and land on branches 1 meter high. If there is a threatening danger, the peacock children will take shelter in the form of a broad wing.        Peacocks can live to be 20 years old. Even so, peacocks are known to live longer, especially in peacocks that are in captivity. In general, the peacock population is not included in the list of endangered animals, but one type of peacock, namely the green peacock, is listed as an protected animal from extinction due to poaching and habitat loss.


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