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Hasil gambar untuk B.J HABIBIE

Prof. Dr. Ing. H. Bacharuddin Jusuf Habibie

Prof. Dr. Ing. H. Bacharuddin Jusuf Habibie was born in Parepare, South Sulawesi, June 25th 1936. He was our third president in Indonesia. Before that, BJ.Habibie served to be the seventh vice president replaced Try Sutrisno.

Habibie is the fourth child of couple Alwi Abdul Jalil Habibie and R.A. Tuti Marini Puspowardojo. His father profession was agriculture expert from Gorontalo,Sulawesi and his mother was from Yogyakarta.

Habibie was married with Hasri Ainun Besari on May 12th 1962, and have 2 children named Thareq Kemal Habibie and Ilham Akbar Habibie.

Habibie was a loyal person. in metro tv channel, when he was reported by Najwa sihab about ainun, he said that, in the past, he was afraid to die beacuse he was worried ainun didint have a guard for save her, but now, habibie was not afraid to die bacause ainun is waiting for him in a hereafter.

He was study in Senior High School of Kristen dago, continue his study in mechanical engineering science at the Faculty of Engineering, University of Indonesia Bandung (now Bandung Institute of Technology) in 1954. In 1955-1965, Habibie continued his aeronautical engineering studies, aircraft construction specialization, at RWTH Aachen, West Germany, receiving an ingenieur diploma in 1960 and a degree Doctor of Ingenieur in 1965 with the title Summa Cum Laude.

Habibie had worked at Messerschmitt-Bölkow-Blohm, an airline based in Hamburg, Germany. Habibie then served as State Minister of Research and Technology from 1978 to March 1998. The breakthrough of B. J. Habibie when he was Minister of Research and Technology began with his desire to implement the “Vision of Indonesia”. According to Habibie, Indonesia’s leaps in the “Indonesian Vision” are based on research and technology, particularly in the strategic industries managed by PT. IPTN, PINDAD, and PT. PAL

B.J.Habibie died at Gatot Subroto Army Hospital on September 11, 2019 at 18.05 WIB due to his illness (heart failure) and age factors. Previously, Habibie had undergone intensive care since September 1, 2019.  He was then buried next to his wife in Kalibata Heroes Cemetery slot 120 on September 12, 2019 at 14.00 WIB.

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And, in the last, the appreciation that eyang have in a whole of his life.

There is : Honorary Member of the Malaysian Engineers Association (IEM)Honorary Member of the Japanese Academy of EngineeringHonorary Member of The Fellowship of engineering of the United Kingdom, LondonHonorary Member of The National Academy of Engineering, USAHonorary Member of the Academie Nationale de l’Air et de l’Espace, FranceHonorary Member of The Royal Aeronautical Society, EnglandHonorary Member of The Royal Swedish Academy of Engineering Science, SwedenHonorary Member of Gesselschaft Fuer Luft und Raumfarht (Institute for Aviation & Space) GermanyHonorary Member of the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, USAHonorary Member of the British Royal Aeronautics Society (1983)Honorary Member of the Institute of Aviation and Space, Germany (1983)Honorary Member of the French Aeronautics Academy (1985)

He is my inspiration. He is my motivation. His quotes, his life, his knowledge, his obedient to Allah SWT. everything his do to Indonesia, to germany, and all of his dedication for his life, for his wife,Ainun, and other people make me realise that Habibie, is the real hero in the world.

And now, eyang was passed away, on September 10th 2019. But, i believe that his name will always carved in the history.


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English Dialogue

Sutra : Omg! Hi, long time no see, where have you been? Sisca : Hallo, Sutra! I miss you. I'm in Paris now, how about you? Sutra : Yeah, i'm in collage now, how about you in Paris? Sisca : I got scholarship for my math from olympics last year Sutra : Wow, that's cool, congratulation. I'm proud of you my old friend Sisca : Thank you, i think you can do it too! You take what majors? Sutra : I took the department of government in the country Sisca : Great! How lucky you're Sutra : Thank you, i think you lucky too! Sisca : What is the reason you took the majors? Sutra : Because in IPDN, i learn to be a politicion Sisca : Oke. I'm proud of you Sutra : Sorry, but i don't have much time Sisca : Oke Sutra : I hope we can play together in another day. See you later! Sisca : See you too!      


                              Hello Guys! Edupasion was held by SMAN 3 Bandung on Thursday 15th February 2018.  This event is held to provide an overview for 12th, 11th and 10th grade students in terms of continuing education to favorite universities both public and private.  There are many University booths that show many majors. Not only that, there are also major presentations from UNPAD and ITB.  The event is also filled by SPeD as the host, KV, Band 3, and many other extracurricular that enliven the event. And we interviewed some people who were in the stands during this event.  And here is our video which includes our interviews.