Once upon a time there was a king named Prabu Boko who reigned in Prambanan. Prabu Boko is a giant Galaxy. He has a daughter named Roro Jonggrang. It borders with the Kingdom of Boko there is a Kingdom named Pengging also. One day the King of Pengging also want to expand the territory of his Kingdom, so he sent his son Bandung Bondowoso, led an army of attacking the Kingdom of Prambanan. Bandung Bondowoso who defeated Boko even killed King Boko. Bandung Bondowoso who else lived in the Palace. He fell in love with Roro Jonggrang and asks the girl to become his consort. Roro Jonggrang does not like to be the wife of Bandung Bondowoso who had killed his father. He was looking for a reason to be able to resist on it with delicate Pengging also Prince.
Eventually he met Bandung Bondowoso and said, “I want to be your wife, but as a requirement you must make two wells and a thousand temples overnight.” Although the terms of the proposed Roro Jonggrang impossible met others, Bandung Bondowoso directly undertake it. He collected a delicate creatures that became his men and started to dig wells and build the temple. Bandung Bondowoso and his men worked very quickly. In a short time they had completed a well and hundreds of temples. Roro Jonggrang watched anxiously from afar. He thought hard to find how to thwart the efforts of Bandung Bondowoso. Roro Jonggrang dayang–dayang calling any and told them to burn straw and beating a dimple. The fire of straw burned to make the atmosphere becomes light and the soundof the mortar well surprisingly rowdy d elicate creatures that are at work. They thought the day was morning. They fled, leaving Bandung Bondowoso and wells and temples which are not yet finished.
Bandung Bondowoso who attempted to call them back, but they still leave her. Roro Jonggrang encountered Bandung Bondowoso and asked, “your time is up, Bandung. If my temple already done? “Bandung Bondowoso was very angry because he knows Roro Jonggrang have thwart her hard work, but he was trying to hold back, “of course the temple is finished. If you do not believe, please calculate yourself". Roro Jonggrang temple as naccompanied counting one by one. It turns out that Bandung Bondowoso who has successfully completed nine hundred ninety-nine temples. “You failed, Bandung. Still less one temple again", said Roro Jonggrang. Bandung Bondowoso who ride the blood, “If you’re not cheating, I could definitely finish the temple for you, a thousand Jonggrang,” he said. “Well, I indulge your appetites. Be you, Roro Jonggrang Temple, thousandth!" the curse of the Bandung Bondowoso.Then the Roro Jonggrang else transformed into stone statues are very beautiful and wonderful, the stones arranged one after the other by itself form the temple, around the image. Until now the stone statue of Roro Jonggrang gorgeous can we see in the main temple at Prambanan.
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